Bridge the Gap Between Biblical Learning and Radical Living
About New Life
New Life is the result of bridging the gap between biblical learning and radical living. Our class welcomes people
Teaching includes expositional studies of entire books of the Bible as well as text-based topical studies on practical needs, controversial subjects, and theological themes. Whatever the study, the goal is to exalt Christ by being Word-fed and Spirit-led to apply the truth in love.
Current Series
Hebrews is a fascinating, puzzling, and challenging book. But this "sermon-letter" will help you grasp God’s big story in the Bible and not deconstruct your faith in our distracting and divisive times. This study will challenge you: (1) to stay fixated on Christ's greater glory, (2) to hold fast to your confession of Christ with confidence, and (3) to move forward with conviction in community until we enter God's future rest and see Christ in all His glory! Note: Hebrews 1–2 was previously taught in the Advent Study: Fixated: Christ's Greater Glory on Hebrews 1–2.
Recent Series
Advent is a time of expectation and preparation for the coming of Christ in His past advent and His future advent. But it is also a time of fixation on the glory of Christ in both His incarnation in the manger and His exaltation to the throne of God. Hebrews 1-2 challenges us to remain fixated on the glory of Christ not only at Christmas but all year long, so we don't drift away to false hopes and poor substitutes.
Recent Series
The local church is God's Household and the Master has a mission for the members of His household to fulfill. His has entrusted His gospel message to His household stewards who are to manage His household with gospel faithfulness and fruitfulness in the face of false teaching. This study of 1 Timothy will teach you how to believe and behave as members of God's household in order to fight the good fight and keep the faith until the Master returns.
Recent Series
Bitterness must be dug up before its deadly root spreads and its poisonous fruit contaminates others. There's help and hope in Christ for the bitter person and those they influence.
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