GROW One-on-One

G.R.O.W. as a Christ follower!

Every believer is a disciple. And every disciple should be growing to become a fully devoted disciple of Jesus Christ! This is God’s will for every believer. If you are interested in starting to grow in your own life or being equipped to help others grow, then GROW One-on-One is for you. The Bible reveals four simple goals to establish every believer as a fully devoted disciple. They can be easily remembered by the word G.R.O.W.!

  • G - Growing Relationship with God through His Word and Prayer
  • R - Real Fellowship with Other Believers in a Small Group
  • O - Outstanding Membership in a Local Church
  • W - Whole-hearted Partnership in Ministry to Others

All it takes is to start the process is FAITH! Believe that God will fulfill His promise to conform you to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. But be prepared for God to mold and shape your values, motives, and entire life from the inside out! We have summarized what it takes to benefit from the Discipleship process in the word F.A.I.T.H.!

  • F - Faithfulness
  • A - Availability
  • I - Integrity & Influence — This will be the result in your life and the lives of others!
  • T - Teachability
  • H - Heart Hunger for God

The Big Picture of discipleship goes beyond these four basic goals, but it will never grow beyond them. Following Christ will always be a life of faith. A fully devoted Christ follower will KNOW Christ by an obedient faith, GROW in Christ as a life-long learner, SHOW Christ to others in word and deed, and GO with Christ locally and globally.