WOC WorldChanger Seminar

WOC WorldChanger Seminar

Thursday, October 26, 2023, 6:00 PM - 8:45 PM

Location: LifeBridge Baptist Church, 3710 N. Holmes Street, Kansas City, MO US 64116

Guest Speaker: Dr. Bruce Garner

Our annual WorldChanger Seminar includes:

Free Pizza/Salad Dinner | 6:00 PM
World Changer Seminar | 6:45 PM (two 45-minute sessions)
Kidz Celebration | 6:45 PM

This year we are excited to welcome Bruce Garner. Bruce has been in ministry for 32 years, first as a missionary in Mexico with his wife, Charise, and now as the Senior Pastor at Cross Point Church, Huntington Beach, CA. LifeBridge faithfully supported the Garners as missionaries and are excited to have him back! Bruce will encourage us to be resilient on the Lord’s mission whatever our calling. He will be drawing from his recent book, The Resilient Pastor.

Ministry is getting harder. Burnout, discouragement, and sinful collapses are destroying the lives of pastors, missionaries, damaging churches, and short-circuiting global missions. Drawing on Scripture, timeless pastoral wisdom, the study of human resilience, and training developed for first responders, Bruce's book identifies the traits that make Christian workers resilient. Learn habits that will help you persevere in whatever the Lord has called you to do!

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