GO with Christ

Igniting a Passion to GO with Christ!

As a church we want to help you GO with Christ both locally and globally. Our ultimate purpose as a church is to GO with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We bring glory to God when we share what God has done for us in Christ with all the peoples of the world!

Go Local

Outreach at LifeBridge is both local and global, both personal and corporate, both our talk and our walk. There are a variety of ways you can join others in GOING with Christ.

Simple Strategies for Reaching Out
  • INTERCEDE - Pray about the people God has brought into your circle of influence. These are the people He wants you to invest in for Jesus Christ. Think in terms of your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, new people at church, and those who serve you in the community. Ask others to join you in interceding for those in your circle of influence.
  • INVEST - Make time to share your life and resources with those you are praying for. Don’t treat people like a project; treat them like people made in the image of God who need a personal relationship with their Creator and Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. Share your life in Christ with them. Show a sincere interest in their hobbies, hopes, and hurts.
  • INVITE - Ask people to join you at the Celebration Service or Discovery Hour. Ask them to enjoy a special outreach event with you. Ask them to check out your GrowGroup or go to an activity. Ask them if anyone has ever shown them how they can know for sure their sins are forgiven and God accepts them.
  • INVOLVE - Share your spiritual journey with them. Ask them where they are in their own spiritual journey. Offer to study the Bible with them.
  • INVESTIGATE - Check out what hang-ups or hurdles they face regarding God, the Bible, Jesus, Christianity, religion, church, Christians, etc. Offer to investigate what the Bible has to say regarding their questions or concerns. Share one of the many booklets available from the church that might connect with their concerns.

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Go Global

Our God is a missionary God with a heart for reaching every tribe, nation, and language with the gospel. There are a variety of simple and specific ways you can be involved through our church in getting the gospel to the unreached and unengaged peoples of the world.

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But GOING with CHRIST is never an end in itself, people who go with Christ do so for the glory of God and the joy of all people! Missions exists because worship doesn't! We go so others can KNOW the one true God through the one and only Mediator between God and all people - His Son, Jesus Christ!

Check out more resources to KNOW Christ, GROW in Christ, SHOW Christ, and GO with Christ.