Awana and Trek
Every Wednesday, from 09/09/2020 to 05/19/2021, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Awana is an exciting midweek opportunity for kids from Kindergarten - 5th grade. Trek also meets at this time for your teens from 6th-8th grade.
- No Cubbies for preschool kids this school year due to Covid-19.
- Limited Van Transportation if transportation is needed, call Randy Wehner (816-878-2302) to see if transportation is available.
- Covid-19 Precautions Social distancing will be practiced where feasible and everyone is expected to wear a face covering. Hand sanitizer stations will be available in classrooms where kids meet.
Registration is requested by parents or caregivers online or at LifeBridge prior to clubs starting each night.
More Info Contact Randy Wehner (816-878-2302) or LifeBridge Office.