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Elijah: Loyalty in Times of Apostasy

Elijah: Loyalty in Times of Apostasy

The life of Elijah challenges us to be loyal to the Lord in the worst of times, even in the midst of present-day apostasy.

Finish Strong

Finish Strong

Follow in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul and finish strong in the New Year and the rest of your life.

How Will You Enter the New Year

How Will You Enter the New Year

God calls all the earth to enter His presence with joyfulness and thankfulness.



The Gift God Loves to Give

Acts: Sow Gospel Seeds

Acts: Sow Gospel Seeds

Sowing gospel seeds to bridge the gap to all peoples sums up the message of Paul's third missionary journey. This series explores the power of proclaiming God's Word and leads up to our 2018 World Outreach Celebration.

Exodus: I AM

Exodus: I AM

The God Who Rescues Us to Be on Mission

Acts: Sow Gospel Seeds

Acts: Sow Gospel Seeds

Sowing gospel seeds to bridge the gap to all peoples sums up the message of Paul's third missionary journey. This series explores the power of proclaiming God's Word and leads up to our 2018 World Outreach Celebration.

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