How do we survive the vast micro-terrorists that unceasingly attack us? In part, due to the commona grace of the immune system our Creator has graciously given us.
The affliction of sickness can be a friendly letter from Heaven. It is the voice of the Savior knocking at the heart's door. Happy is he who opens the letter and reads it, who hears the knock and opens the door, who welcomes Christ to the sick...
Like most of you, I’m hunkered down in my house, not going outside, and distancing myself from everyone except my wife. It’s particularly crucial for me to observe strict isolation orders because I fall into the high-risk...
I’ve been thinking about the stresses and pressures we are all carrying these days and attempting to focus on the practical things that help promote mental and spiritual health.
Whether you are a church leader, a parent leading your...
A letter from Lead Pastor Bruce Adrian regarding the ongoing ministry of LifeBridge during the pandemic including four ways we can stay on mission in spite of social distancing.